Her newest album with SubPop is "Life on Earth" it's coming out next month, i heard it already and it's beautiful.

We took these photos last month [April] in Ocean Shores, Washington. Jesy, her boyfriend Chris (thanks Chris for all your help), & me drove directly onto the beach -for about a mile in crazy wind & hard rain hoping to make a bonfire. i was prepared to take the photos sitting in the car with Jesy in the rain with a shitty bonfire when all of a sudden the rain stopped & we all three made a killer bonfire. These were also natural light and the ones with all the sparks Chris made with a shovel and they were like 4 second exposures. I used my Rollieflex and Leica with i think Kodak Portra 800 color film.
Also, we had to reshoot for some promo fotos and i took these here in the old west seattle christian school where they rent out to artists now. i love how jesy sometime looks like patti smith when she was a youngin'.

Her first album "Hands across the Void" on SupPop we photographed in North Bend Washington, this was in 2007, we borrowed a red lantern from a thrift shop & the one dress she owns,,, and took the photos at dusk all around North Bend, WA in natural light. i got so lucky in my exposures since i was using my old rolleiflex & 320T slide film that had expired in 2005. But they turned out so beautiful & somehow even the 2 second exposures were rich. I wish they still made that film... i wish i had the other shots from this but my old hard drive bit it & i got to fix that.

This one was with my Leica and the awesome old agfa ultra 100 film, i love and miss this film.
i love your photos, david. so beautiful and atmospheric. washington looks wonderful - i'd love to visit one day. tiny vipers sound great too. i agree that jesy has a look of patti, also pj harvey in that last pic i reckon.
The cover of "Life on Earth" is one of the best album covers of the last few years. Really great photo.